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Infrastructure Engineer

Publication date 2024/10/21

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

Tokyo,7.0M ~ 12.0M

About the Company :

Multinational E-commerce Company

Responsibilities :

In this position , you will lead the development of systems related to either automobiles, new species, pets, fire, or injury .

The specific duties are as follows.
*Requirement definition associated with insurance system development
*Management of vendor employees in charge of development

Benefits :

[ Employment form ]
full-time employee

Flexible working system available

[ Holidays/Vacations ]
Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays First year Annual paid vacation 10 days Refresh vacation 5 days Year-end and New Year holidays Other special holidays such as pet leave and infectious disease leave available

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

Those who have experience in any of the following
-Experience working in the information systems department of a business company-
-Experience in project management at an SIer and consulting firm
-Experience in coordinating and negotiating with other departments within the company and external organizations including vendor vendors

[Welcome requirements]
・Experience in upstream processes such as system development requirements definition

Contact Information :

For more details;

Asmita Khatri
Consultant- Corporate IT

JOB ID : IJB2005433

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