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Cloud Platform Engineer

Publication date 2024/10/21

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

6.2M ~ 15.0M

About the Company :

Top Japanese Retail Company

Responsibilities :

・Design/introduce/administrate infrastructure and architecture with maximum utilization of Cloud technology, especially AWS, Azure and GCP.
・Drive architecture standardization and its global rollout.
・Design automated and advanced techniques to stabilize system operation and drive its rollout.
・Design/introduce/administrate global content delivery architecture with the use of CDN(Akamai).

Benefits :

フレックスタイム制 1日の標準労働時間…8時間、

■加入保険 社会保険 (健康保険、厚生年金、雇用保険、労災保険、介護保険)
■福利厚生 社員持株制度、共済会制度、提携福利厚生プログラム、社員割引制度、カフェテリア、専用シャトルバス (有明オフィス通勤時)、確定拠出年金制度

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

・Ability to design and construct infrastructure on top of Cloud Platform independently (have one of certifications below):
・AWS Solution Architect (Associate or higher)
・Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate(Associate or higher)
・Google Cloud Architect

・Design, develop OR administer IT systems. (3+ years)
・Linux System administrator skill. (1+ years)
・LPIC level1 equivalent.
・Business communication skills in Japanese (JLPT N1)

Contact Information :

For more details:

Asmita Khatri
Consultant| Engineering team

JOB ID : IJB2006517

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