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Key Account Manager

Publication date 2024/10/18

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

Aichi,5.0M ~ 9.0M

About the Company :

Global European Tier1 Supplier

Responsibilities :

- Manage the relationship with his/her customer (Toyota)- Ensure
 to be the preferred interface between his/her Customer
 and the head office.
- Support coordination of global RFQs and he/she is responsible   
 for consistency of selling prices worldwide.
- Participate in the Quotation preparation and validation process  
 for its customer.
- Coordinate important Customer visits.
- Collaborate to Innovation Tech Days in co-operation with
 Product Marketing and R&D.

Benefits :

Holiday Days (Annual):121 Days
Social Insurance
Pension plan

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

University or Relevant Degree with Experience
Minimum 3 years experience in Sales or Project Management in Automotive industries

English (Business level) - should express himself fluently
Japanese (Native level)

Contact Information :

Kazuki Takahashi
Automotive Team
* Please note that only qualified candidate will be contacted

JOB ID : IJB2003552

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