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Network Engineer

Publication date 2025/03/12

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

Tokyo,Kanagawa,Saitama,Chiba,Ibaraki,Tochigi,Gunma,4.0M ~ 8.0M

About the Company :

International System Integrator

Responsibilities :

[Job Content]
Design, construction, and maintenance management of NW equipment
: As we receive requests to build network equipment in accordance with new communication requirements, We check the requirements and then design and build.
Maintenance and management: We perform work related to network operation, such as preliminary investigation based on customer requirements, setting changes, failure response, cause investigation, and performance analysis.

The main equipment used is as follows.
Router/Switch Cisco IOS
Firewall Cisco ASA, Juniper SRX
Load Balancer F5 BIG-IP, Citrix ADC
, etc. WAF, DNS server, SMTP server, etc.
Registration qualification

Benefits :

■Employment type :
Regular employee
Manager/supervisor classification: None
Working hours classification: Time management or deemed working hours system
Type of deemed working hours system: Professional work type discretionary labor system
Deemed working hours per day: 8 hours

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

- Possession of basic knowledge of NW
- Experience in building L2SW/L3SW/Router
- Experience in building FW
- Experience in creating construction materials

[Welcome conditions]
- Experience in operating NW management materials
- L2SW/L3SW/Router/FW /LB operation experience
/ Switch/Router/FW/LB version upgrade support
/ Security device operation experience
/ Packet analysis
/ LB construction experience
/ Proxy operation experience
/ Reverse-Proxy operation experience
/ VPN device operation / Construction experience
/Proposal material creation experience

[English proficiency]
Those who can speak English will have a wider range of activities.

Contact Information :

For more information;

Asmita Khatri
070 3169 5169

JOB ID : IJB2005403

Register now

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