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Backend Engineer

Publication date 2024/09/6

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

8.0M ~ 12.0M

About the Company :

Web3 Start Up

Responsibilities :

Company Overview
A pioneering WEB 3.0 company that is newly venturing into the financial technology space with the initiation of its financial lab. We are building a new, small engineering team composed of highly talented, highly motivated, and highly compensated engineers. This is a rare opportunity to work on systems that will be built from scratch. We are looking for an experienced BackEnd Engineer to join this dynamic team.

Server-Side Development
As a BackEnd Engineer, you will be in charge of server-side development. You will be implementing mechanisms such as Engine modules, components, instances, APIs, and facilitating communication between each component.
We are building a new financial platform with the highest standards of security, risk management and regulatory/authorities requirements.


● Build and maintain server-side systems.
● Create advanced prototypes and implement Engine modules, components,
instances, and APIs.
● Evaluate and implement new technologies as needed.

Benefits :

Regarding this Position

Due to the large scale of this project, which is expected to last at least five years, you will have the opportunity to work with various programming languages as needed. If desired, there is potential for career progression to Project Manager or Technical Project Manager in the future.

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

● Bilingual with fluent Japanese and English languages capability, both written and verbal.
● 5 years or more of engineering experience required. Must have participated as an engineer in projects involving 5 to 20 people and have gained a core level of implementation experience.
● Expertise in Java programming.
● Excellent understanding of network protocols (TCP, UDP, TLS, Protobuffer, etc.)
● Excellent understanding of data storage systems (RDBMS, no-SQL, key value pair, etc.)
● Knowledge of Cloud file system or Server FS.


● Development experience in Go/Golang
● Experience in financial transaction system development at a securities company.
● More than 10 years of experience in the IT field, including experience as a software engineer and system design.
● Experience building systems on GCP

Contact Information :

Agent Contact:

Alesse Victor

JOB ID : IJB2005807

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