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Site Reliability Engineer

Publication date 2024/12/25

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

8.0M ~ 12.0M

About the Company :

Japanese Web3 Company

Responsibilities :

The following tasks are anticipated as part of the objective to assure the security and scalability of the internationally deployed product .

Constructing and managing infrastructure to guarantee the scalability, security, and dependability of the system

- Using OTEL (OpenTelemetry) and other technologies to establish and fortify system monitoring systems.

- Developing and executing security protocols in line with business development- Optimizing system reliability and performance using SLI/SLO architecture, etc.

- Upkeep and growth of the internal application tool go-kit

[Stack of technologies]

Go is the development language

Cloud: GCP

Docker, a container technology

gRPC is the communication protocol

PF: GKE hosting

OpenTelemetry and Datadog are monitoring systems

Database: Cloud Spanner

Configuration management with GKE and Terraform

GitHub Actions for CI/CD

Benefits :

・家賃補助(オフィス3km圏内 or 笹塚もしくは代田橋駅から3駅圏内の場合)…7万円/月未満:1万円、7万円/月以上:2万円

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

- Proficiency in creating and managing tools and solutions utilizing the Go and TypeScript programming languages

- Spanner's extensive operational expertise and experience

- Thorough familiarity with and expertise using Kubernetes

- In-depth familiarity with Cloud Native

Contact Information :

For more details:

Asmita Khatri

JOB ID : IJB2006694

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