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Legal Manager (Attorney)

Publication date 2025/03/12

Work Location , Expected Annual Income :

Tokyo,8.0M ~ 14.0M

About the Company :

Global Professional Service Firm

Responsibilities :

Main responsibilities include handling internal legal consultations (including those from management), supporting business operations from a legal standpoint, assisting with the creation of various contracts (in both Japanese and English), designing and improving internal systems, managing litigation and administrative procedures (including patent applications), conducting investigations, planning and delivering legal training, maintaining legal infrastructure, and participating in cross-departmental projects. Although primarily a consulting firm, involvement in providing diverse services and participating in business activities has been increasing, including intellectual property rights and legal support for contracts.

Benefits :

■ Low over time (20hr)
■ 90% remote work
■ Flex-time
■ Benefits and Welfare full package
■ Work life Balance system

Required Experience / Abilities / Skills :

MUST hold a Japanese lawyer qualification and bring 5-10 years of corporate legal experience from a law firm or corporate legal department. Proficiency in English is a plus. Positions will be tailored to match the candidate's experience and expertise.

Contact Information :

Hirotaka Tai
Senior Consultant - Legal & Compliance

M: +81 (0)70-3176-4098

JOB ID : IJB2007846

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